Biggest Eating Mistake ?

Biggest Eating Mistake?

I was on the flight back home to America from India. Naturally, I had to buy a bag of these little goodies to fuel the 15 hour trip back:
Cadbury Eclairs, for those of you who are unfamiliar with this decadent little treat, they're small milk chocolate treats encased with chewy caramel. Yeah, they’re good. As a chocolate loving enthusiast, I approve. :)
As I'm waiting for everyone to board and get settled in, I eagerly reached for my backpack and grabbed the bag of chocolates. I quickly unwrapped the pretty foil paper and popped the entire candy in my mouth waiting for a chocolatey explosion.
It’s funny looking back because I usually don’t just pop an entire one in my mouth like that. I liked to take my time with one cause it’s so chewy (yeah I love my candy ok don’t judge).
Anyway I popped the candy in my mouth biting into it, expecting chocolatey goodness. Only to notice something was terribly wrong. My tongue suddenly felt like it was on fire and began burning uncontrollably.
what could it possibly be you might ask?
Oh I don’t know. How about ANTS!? YUP! THE ECLAIR WAS FILLED WITH TEENY TINY VISCIOUS ANTS. And I’m not talking black ants, they were straight up angry little red ants.
I was mortified.
Honestly the few seconds after that was a blur; I was just trying not to swallow ants and they were freaking out and I was freaking out and it was a mess.
Not to add to the fact that I was already stuck on that seat man. It was August on a flight back from India to America, you know that flight was full with exasperated ABCD (American Born Confused Desi) kids anticipating their last few weeks of summer before the new school year and their sad parents leaving the motherland behind. I had nowhere else to go.
I managed to get those ants out of my mouth, a few fell on to my lap and I’m pretty sure I remember them attempting to bite my thigh. A few definitely bit my tongue, and sitting with a swollen tongue on a 15 hour flight was interesting to say the least. And then I think I swallowed one or two.
Naturally my dumbass googled “can accidentally eating red ants kill me?” WebMD gave me the usual not helpful answer so that was nice.
tldr; chocolate loving girl eats a Cadbury eclair before flight takes off and is pleasantly surprised with ants in her mouth and later her pants.

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